Low vision is a broad term for conditions resulting in reduced sight that cannot entirely be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medicines or surgery. It can affect central and/or peripheral vision. Many eye disorders can lead to low vision, including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Injury to the eye or to a portion of the brain involved in sight can also produce low vision.
It is estimated that as many as 14 million people suffer low vision. It is among the 10 most common causes of disability in the U.S. A variety of products can help those with low vision maintain their independence.
American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
(415) 561 8500
For further low vision resources, download the SmartSight handout offered by AAO under the section called "Materials for Patients."
The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and Readers Digest Partners for Sight have partnered to create the VisionAware web site for resources for independent living with vision loss.
VisionAware also offers a low vision app for smart phones, available throught the Apple App Store, called VisionConnect.
American Academy of Optometry
(301) 984-1441 allaboutvision.com/lowvision
The online event featured RPB grantees and is now available to view on demand.
Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) announced today that they will continue their partnership in the RPB/LCIF Low Vision Research Award.
Research initiative to address urgent needs in understanding and treating low vision.
Partnerships with Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation and Lions Clubs International Foundation seek to generate solutions for neglected vision loss condition.
People who could benefit from rehabilitation[Note: this is an older, but still potentially useful, article from the RPB archives.] Kathleen A. Turano, Ph.D. Associate Professor Wilmer Eye Institute, Lions...
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