Research to Prevent Blindness

Research to Prevent Blindness Opens Applications for Vision Research Grants

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The awards offered cover a wide variety of topics in vision science, including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, retinal diseases, and many more.

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In Memoriam: Dick Baker

Diane Swift and Dick Baker

RPB is grateful to long-time Trustee Mr, Baker for his service to RPB.

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Vision Research Funding Partnership Event Takes Place Today

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Leaders of organizations that fund vision research convene in Washington, D.C. to increase collaboration and maximize the impact of research funding for sight-threatening diseases.

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Research to Prevent Blindness and Alcon Award Glaucoma Grant

Dr. Alex Huang

Dr. Alex Huang of the University of California San Diego School of Medicine will study glaucoma filtration surgeries with the aim of improving surgical success for lowering eye pressure and providing neuroprotection.

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Researchers Build An “Aging Clock” To Help Treat Eye Disease

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The new way to measure ocular aging opens treatment avenues for numerous eye diseases.

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Research to Prevent Blindness and the American Academy of Ophthalmology Award Big Data Research Grants for Improved Patient Care

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The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and Research to Prevent Blindness (RPB) today announced the 2023 recipients of the RPB/AAO Award for IRIS Registry Research.

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In Memoriam: Herbert J. Siegel

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RPB acknowledges the passing of a dedicated former Board member.

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Research to Prevent Blindness and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Announce 2024 Recipient of RPB David F. Weeks Award for Outstanding Vision Research

Patricia D'Amore, PhD

Patricia Ann D’Amore, PhD, MBA, is recognized for ground-breaking contributions to the field of vision research.

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RPB-Supported Researcher Makes Progress on Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment

Dr. Akrit Sodhi

Dr. Akrit Sodhi at Johns Hopkins Medicine has published a new study showing promise for an experimental treatment to prevent or slow vision loss in people with diabetes.

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Research to Prevent Blindness Announces New Sight-Saving Vision Research Grants

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RPB launches awards in data science and Diabetic Eye Disease.

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Vision Research Funding Partnership Event Takes Place Today

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Leaders of organizations that fund vision research convene in Washington DC to increase collaboration and maximize the impact of research funding for sight-threatening diseases.

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Understanding Corneal Injuries in Dry Eyes

Dr. Raj Apte

An RPB grantee makes a key discovery involving genes that are essential for eye health.

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Research to Prevent Blindness Marks $400 Million in Funding to Advance Eye Disease Research

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RPB funds a new round of researchers and hits a milestone in supporting vision-related breakthroughs.

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RPB Supporters Save Sight on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday logo

We welcome your generosity to help us meet our goal!

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An RPB Awardee Tackles Inherited Retinal Diseases

Dr. Palczewski and lab members

Dr. Krzysztof Palczewski develops and applies cutting-edge gene editing techniques to challenging genetic conditions.

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RPB and Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology Announce 2023 Recipient of RPB David F. Weeks Award for Outstanding Vision Research

Dr. David Calkins

David J. Calkins, PhD, is recognized for ground-breaking contributions to the field of vision research.

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Research to Prevent Blindness and the American Academy of Ophthalmology Award New Research Grants to Improve Eye Care

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Award recipients to use the American Academy of Ophthalmology IRIS® Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight) clinical database to improve care for all patients.

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Grant from Research to Prevent Blindness and Castle Biosciences Supports Medical Student Research in Ocular Cancer

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Research to Prevent Blindness and Castle Biosciences are partnering to provide new opportunities for medical students to pursue ocular cancer research.

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New Glaucoma Research Grant Available

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Research to Prevent Blindness and Aerie Pharmaceuticals are partnering to provide grant opportunities to support novel research in glaucoma.

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New Vision Science Research Grant for Students of Osteopathic Medicine

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RPB and the AOCOO-HNS Foundation are launching a multi-year partnership to provide funding to increase research opportunities in vision science for students of osteopathic medicine.

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RPB Funding Helps Researchers Revive Light-Sensing Cells in Organ Donor Eyes

Dr. Frans Vinberg

This ground-breaking research accomplishment will open new doors for research on neurodegenerative diseases like AMD.

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Research to Prevent Blindness Opens Applications for up to $4.7 Million in Vision Research Grants

The awards offered cover a wide variety of topics in vision science, including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, ocular cancer, amblyopia, low vision, and many more.

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Recording available: RPB webinar on Dry AMD and Geographic Atrophy

Photo of eye
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RPB grantees provide expert insight on geographic atrophy and dry AMD as part of the "Lunch & Learn" series.

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David Weeks Tribute Video

David Weeks headshot
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The AUPO created a video tribute to RPB's Chairman Emeritus.

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