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Research to Prevent Blindness

Membership Benefits

RPB Membership, open only to eye care specialists, is an investment in the advancement of ophthalmic practice and research. Your membership contribution will be used entirely for RPB-supported eye research, which is connected to nearly every breakthrough in vision care since 1961.

Membership certificate

Your membership contribution is tax-deductible, and you will receive a handsome, annual certificate suitable for display to show your patients your commitment to improving treatments for their care.

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Levels of Membership

All RPB Members receive:

  • a personalized Membership Certificate that will be updated annually
  • access to RPB materials, including Amsler Grid/Visual Acuity test cards in English and Spanish, which are designed to support your practice by informing patients about hopeful research. (Members: order by emailing or calling 800-621-0026 or 212-752-4333.)

Each year receive 5 tribute cards and order up to:
• 250 Visual Acuity Cards
• 60 copies of the Guide to Eye Health
• 20 of each disease-specific Fact Sheet

Each year receive 15 tribute cards and order up to:
• 500 Visual Acuity Cards
• 120 copies of the Guide to Eye Health
• 40 of each disease-specific Fact Sheet

Each year receive 30 tribute cards and order unlimited quantities of RPB printed materials.

Members also can choose to receive e-newsletters and e-alerts containing timely developments supported by RPB.

Enroll now and help us reach the goals that you share with Research to Prevent Blindness.


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