RPB Grant Type
All Awards
Career Advancement Award
Career Development Award
Catalyst Award for Innovative Research Approaches for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Catalyst Award for Stem Cell Research for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Departmental Grant
Disney Award for Amblyopia Research
Innovative Ophthalmic Research Award
International Research Scholar Award
Lew R. Wasserman Merit Award
Low Vision Research Award
Medical Student Eye Research Fellowship
Nelson Trust Award for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Physician-Scientist Award
Research Sabbatical Grant
RPB/SNF International Research Collaborators Award
RPB International Research Collaborators Award
Senior Scientific Investigator Award
Special Grant
Special Scholar Award
Stein Innovation Award
Stein Professorship
Stein Professorship/Extension
Stein Professorship/Lab
Research Area
All Areas
Age-Related Eye Diseases
Artificial Vision
Cell Biology
Chemical Engineering
Diabetic Retinopathy
Drug Delivery
Dry Eye
External Disease
Eye Cancer
Eye Movement Disorders
Eye Movements
Gene Research
Gene Therapy
Graves' Disease
Infectious Disease
Leber's Congenital Amaurosis
Low Vision
Macular Dystrophy
Molecular Biology
Ocular Oncology
Ophthalmologic Surgery
Optical Biopsy
Optic Neuropathy
Pediatric Glaucoma
Pediatric Ophthalmology
Physiological Optics
Plastic Surgery
Retina Choroid
Retinal Cell Biology
Retinal Diseases
Retinal Vein and Artery Occlusion
Retinitis Pigmentosa
Stem Cell
Systems Biology
Usher Syndrome
Visual Neuroscience
Visual Psychophysics
All Institutions
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Alliance for Eye and Vision Research
American Academy of Ophthalmology
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Association of University Professors of Ophthalmology
Baylor College of Medicine
Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Children's National Hospital
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of CWRU
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles
Duke University School of Medicine
Emory University School of Medicine
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Harvard Medical School
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Indiana University School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mayo Clinic, College of Medicine
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical University of South Carolina
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences / National Academy of Medicine
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Nova Southeastern University
Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
Pennyslvania State University College of Medicine
Rutgers University New Jersey Medical School
Stanford University School of Medicine
State University of New York Downstate Medical Center
State University of New York Upstate Medical University
SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
The Heed Ophthalmic Foundation
The Ohio State University
The Regents of the University of Michigan School of Medicine
The Rochester Institute of Technology
Tufts University School of Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine
University of Arizona College of Medicine
University of California, Davis, School of Medicine
University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine
University of Florida College of Medicine
University of Florida Scripps Biomedical Research
University of Illinois Chicago College of Medicine
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
University of Louisville School of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
University of Minnesota, Academic Health Center, Medical School
University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
University of Washington School of Medicine
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine & Public Health
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Washington University in Saint Louis School of Medicine
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Weill Cornell Medical College
Yale University School of Medicine
All Awardees
Aboobakar, Inas F. / MD
Afshar, Armin / MD, MBA
Aguirre, Geoffrey K. / MD, PhD
Ahmed, Zubair M / PhD
Aiello, Lloyd Paul / MD, PhD
Al Diri, Issam / PhD
Ali, Ferhina S / BS
Alvarez, Osmel P.
Amamoto, Ryoji / PhD
Antonetti, David / PhD
Antonetti, David A / PhD
Apte, Rajendra S. / MD, PhD
Apte, Rajendra S / MD, PhD
Arshavsky, Vadim / PhD
Asanad, Samuel
Ash, John D / PhD
Aton, Sara / PhD
Baehr, Wolfgang / PhD
Bagheri, Nika
Baker, Nicholas E / PhD
Barnstable, Colin J. / DPhil
Bastian, Boris C / MD, PhD
Bear, Mark F. / PhD
Bennett, Brionna L.
Besirli, Cagri G / MD, PhD
Bex, Peter / PhD
Bhoiwala, Devang L
Bispo, Paulo J.M. / MS, PhD
Blackshaw, Seth / PhD
Bohnsack, Brenda L / MD, PhD
Bowes Rickman, Catherine / PhD
Brainard, David H / PhD
Bressler, Neil M / MD
Bressler, Susan B / MD
Britton, Robert / PhD
Bujakowska, Kinga / PhD
Byrne, Leah / PhD
Cai, Cindy X. / MD
Calkins, David J. / PhD
Calkins, David J / PhD
Calvert, Peter D. / PhD
Campbell, J. Peter / MD, MPH
Canto-Soler, Maria Valeria / PhD
Cao, Binh
Carr, Daniel J J / PhD
Cavalli, Valeria / PhD
Chan, Kevin C. / PhD
Chan, Kyle S.
Chan, Matilda F. / MD, PhD
Chang, Kun-Che / PhD
Chao, Jennifer R. / MD, PhD
Chavala, Sai H / MD
Chen, Andrew
Chen, Jimmy
Chen, Jing / PhD
Chen, Meng
Chen, Shiming / PhD
Chen, Xi / MD, PhD
Chen, Xindi
Chichilnisky, E.J. / PhD
Chodosh, James / MD, MPH
Chou, Jonathan
Christenbury, Joseph
Cideciyan, Artur, V / PhD
Ciolino, Joseph Bowers / MD
Clark, Brian / PhD
Clinger, Owen D.
Cobrinik, David / MD, PhD
Comander, Jason I / MD, PhD
Committee on Public Health Approaches to Reduce Vision Impairment and Promote Eye Health
Connor, Kip M / PhD
Coral Du, Katherine
Corbo, Joseph C / MD, PhD
Cordeiro, M Francesca / PhD
Cuamatzi Castelan, Andrea S.
Dagnelie, Gislin / PhD
Dana, Reza / MD, MPH, MSc
Dana, Reza / MD, MSc, MPH
Daneman, Richard / PhD
Daniels, Anthony Brent / MD, MSc
Dean, Douglas / PhD
Dean, Douglas C / PhD
Delavar, Arash / MPH
Demetriades, Anna / MD, PhD
de Paiva, Cintia S. / MD, PhD
DeSouza, Philip
DeVries, Steven H. / MD, PhD
Diaz, Antonio Z.
Diaz, Gabriel J. / PhD
Diaz-Aguilar, Daniel
Diaz-Aguilar, Monica Sophia
Djalilian, Ali / MD
Doan, Thuy / MD, PhD
Dohlman, Thomas / MD
Dong, Qianwen
Dong, Zachary Michael
Dougherty, Bradley E. / OD, PhD
Douglas, Raymond S / MD, PhD
Doyle, Jefferson J. / PhD
Drack, Arlene / MD
Duan, Xin / PhD
Dubra Suarez, Alfredo / PhD
Dunaief, Joshua L / MD, PhD
Duncan, Jacque L. / MD
Dunn, Felice Audris / PhD
Eghrari, Allen / MD, MPH
Elisseeff, Jennifer H / PhD
Elliott, Michael H / PhD
Ender, Tekin / PhD
Ensign, Laura / PhD
Fautsch, Michael P / PhD
Feinberg, Evan / PhD
Ferguson, Thomas A. / PhD
Ferreira, Paulo / PhD
Fine, Ione / PhD
Fingert, John H / MD, PhD
Fong, Ming-fai / PhD
Fortingo, Kusona
Frankfort, Benjamin J. / MD, PhD
Frankfort, Benjamin J / MD, PhD
Fu, XianPing / PhD
Fuhrmann, Sabine / PhD
Fuller, Kevin K. / PhD
Funderburgh, James L. / PhD
Gamlin, Paul D R / PhD
Gamm, David M / MD, PhD
Gan, Lin / PhD
Ganapathy, Preethi S. / MD, PhD
Gardner, Justin / PhD
Gardner, Thomas W / MD, MS
Garzon, Catalina
General Operating Support
Gerometta, Rosana M / MD
Getahun, Henok
Ghasia, Fatema / MD
Ghosh, Kaustabh / PhD
Giger, Roman J. / PhD
Gilmore, Michael S / PhD
Goldberg, Jeffrey Louis / MD, PhD
Goldman, Daniel J / PhD
Gomes, Isabella
Gomez-Caraballo, Maria
Gospe III, Sidney M. / MD, PhD
Grassi, Christina Marsica
Green, Jordan / PhD
Greenfield, Jason A.
Gregory-Ksander, Meredith / PhD
Gupta, Priya Rani
Hackam, Abigail S / PhD
Hageman, Gregory S / PhD
Hall, Leo
Hamrah, Pedram / MD
Handa, James T. / MD
Harbour, J William / MD
Heisel, Curtis
Herberg, Samuel / PhD
Heur, J Martin / MD, PhD
Hoang, Quan V / MD, PhD
Hoon, Mrinalini / PhD
Horton, Jonathan C / MD, PhD
Householder, Nicholas A.
Hsia, Joey Yen-Cheng / BS
Hu, Yang / MD, PhD
Huang, Alex A. / MD, PhD
Hulleman, John D. / PhD
Hunter, Jennifer J. / PhD
Huxlin, Krystel R / PhD
Hyde, Robert A. / MD, PhD
Iannaccone, Alessandro / MD, MS
Iomini, Carlo / PhD
Jain, Sandeep / MD
Jakobs, Tatjana C / MD
Jauregui, Ruben
Jayagopal, Ashwath / PhD
Jia, Yali / PhD
Jian, Yifan / PhD
Jiang, Hongrui / PhD, MS
Jo, Jason (Jace)
Johnson III, Thomas V. / MD, PhD
Jones, Bryan William / PhD
Jurkunas, Ula V / MD
Kador, Karl / PhD
Kahana, Alon / MD, PhD
Kaiser, Peter Kazuo / MD
Kaler, Christopher
Katsanis, Nicholas / PhD
Kaufman, Paul L. / MD
Kay, Jeremy N. / PhD
Keehn, Caroline
Keenan, Jeremy / MD, MPH
Kefalov, Vladimir J. / PhD
Keller, Kate E / PhD
Kerschensteiner, Daniel / MD
Kim, Clifford
Kim, Leo A. / MD, PhD
Kim, Tyson N. / MD, PhD
Kiorpes, Lynne / PhD
Kiser, Philip D. / PharmD, PhD
Kiss, Szilard / MD
Kleinman, Mark E / MD
Kohn, Adam / PhD
Kolodkin, Alex L. / PhD
Kuehn, Markus H / PhD
Kumar, Ashok / PhD
Kuo, Anthony / MD
Kuwajima, Takaaki / PhD
Kwon, MiYoung / PhD
Lad, Eleonora / MD, PhD
Lavine, Jeremy A. / MD, PhD
Lee, Aaron Y. / MD, MSCI
Lee, John Yohan
Lee, Michele
Levin, Marc Harris / MD, PhD
Li, Qiutang / PhD
Li, Roger Wing-Hong / BSC (Optom), PhD
Li, Wei / PhD
Li, Wendy
Liao, Yaping Joyce / MD, PhD
Lietman, Thomas M / MD
Lin, Phoebe / MD, PhD
Little, Steven R / PhD
Liu, Katy / MD, PhD
Liu, Keke
Liu, Tianyu
Liu, Tin Yan Alvin / MD
Liu, Wendy / MD, PhD
Liu, Xiaorong / PhD
Lohss, Maxwell B.
Lu, Kun Ping / PhD, MSc, MD
Lu, Qingxian / PhD
Lujan, Brandon J. / MD
Luo, Gang / PhD
Luo, Shiming
Maamari, Robi N
Maeda, Akiko / MD, PhD
Mahajan, Vinit / MD, PhD
Maidana, Daniel E. / MD, PhD
Malek, Goldis / PhD
Malik, Asrar B. / PhD
Mandal, Nawajes / PhD
Manduchi, Roberto / PhD
Margeta, Milica / MD, PhD
Marshall, Janelle
Martemyanov, Kirill / PhD
Martinez-De Luna, Reyna I. / PhD
Massey, Stephen C / PhD
McAnany, J. Jason / PhD
McGee, Aaron W. / PhD
McGill, Trevor / PhD
Men, Clara Jiayun
Merabet, Lotfi B. / OD, PhD, MPH
Merbs, Shannath L. / MD, PhD
Miller, Jason Matthew Lewis / MD, PhD
Moore, Grant H
Moraes, Carlos T. / PhD
Morgan, Joshua / PhD
Moshiri, Ala / MD, PhD
Moss, Heather E. / MD, PhD
Murillo, Karla
Mustari, Michael / PhD
Myung, David / MD, PhD
Nachury, Maxence / PhD
Nagiel, Aaron / MD, PhD
Nair, Kayarat Saidas / PhD
Nakai, Hiroyuki / MD, PhD
Nathans, Jeremy / MD, PhD
Nedergaard, Maiken / MD, DMSc
Neuringer, Martha / PhD
Newman, Eric A / PhD
Newman-Casey, Paula Anne / MD, MS
Nguyen, Huy
Nickells, Robert W / PhD
Noorani, Soha
Näär, Anders M. / PhD
Oakes, Scott A. / MD
Oke, Isdin / MD, MPH
Oldenburg, Catherine / ScD, MPH
Onyekwere, Oluomachi
Ortiz, Angelica Gabriela
Ou, Yvonne / MD
Overby, Darryl R / PhD
Palczewski, Krzysztof / PhD
Pan, Billy
Pant, Praruj
Pasricha, Neel / MD
Paul, Megan E.
Pearring, Jillian / PhD
Peng, Yi-Rong / PhD
Pennesi, Mark E / MD, PhD
Pepple, Kathryn L. / MD, PhD
Perez, Victor L / MD
Perkins, Brian / PhD
Pfeiffer, Rebecca Lynne / PhD
Pierce, Eric A. / MD, PhD
Pikuleva, Irina A / PhD
Pineles, Stacy L / MD, MS
Pitha, Ian / MD, PhD
Prasov, Lev / MD, PhD
Price, Cherrell
Punzo, Claudio / PhD
Puro, Donald G. / MD, PhD
Qiao, Chunyan / MD, PhD
Radgoudarzi, Niloofar
Rajagopal, Rithwick / MD, PhD
Rajaii, Fatemeh / MD, PhD
Ramulu, Pradeep Y / MD, MHS, PhD
Rao, Rajesh C. / MD
Rao, Sujata / PhD
Ratnapriya, Rinki / PhD
Redd, Travis K / MD, MPH
Resident Retreats, 2014 and 2015
Rex, Tonia S / PhD
Richardson, Quintin
Roberts, Tawna / OD, PhD
Rodriguez, Jatniel
Rossin, Elizabeth J. / MD, PhD
Ruzycki, Philip / PhD
Saban, Daniel R. / PhD
Sabesan, Ramkumar / PhD
Sachdeva, Mira Menon / MD, PhD
Sadda, Srinivas / MD
Saint-Geniez, Magali / PhD
Saleem, Meher
Samuels, Brian / MD, PhD
Sanders Laboratory Construction Grant
Sanes, Joshua R / PhD
Sappington, Rebecca M / PhD
Schallek, Jesse / PhD
Schenke-Layland, Katja / PhD, MSc
Schey, Kevin L. / PhD
Schultz, Hannah
Schwartz, Daniel M. / MD
Schwartz, Gregory W. / PhD
Schwiegerling, James T / PhD
Sears, Connie M.
Sears, Jonathan Eliot / MD
Segre, Ayellet V. / MSc, PhD
Semenza, Gregg L. / MD, PhD
Sengillo, Jesse D.
Seo, Seongjin / PhD
Sepah, Yasir / MBBS
Shah, Madhura
Shah, Mamta
Shao, Hui / MD, PhD
Sheibani, Nader / PhD
Shen, Tang-Long / PhD
Shepherd, Jason / PhD
Shindler, Kenneth S. / MD, PhD
Sigal, Ian A. / PhD
Sight Survey
Singer, Joshua Harris / PhD
Singh, Ruchira / PhD
Singhapricha, Terry
Singuri, Srinidhi
Sinha, Debasish / PhD
Sinha, Raunak / PhD
Sirivolu, Shreya
Skowronska-Krawczyk, Dorota / PhD
Smith, Matthew A / PhD
Smith, W. Clay / PhD
Sobrin, Lucia / MD, MPH
Sodhi, Akrit / MD, PhD
Soiberman, Uri / MD
Song, Ailin (Irene)
Song, Weilin
Sparrow, Janet R. / PhD
Spencer, William J. / PhD
Sretavan, David W. / MD, PhD
Srinivasan, Vivek / PhD
Stamer, W Daniel / PhD
Stein, Joshua D / MD, MS
Stetten, George D / MD, PhD
Stryker, Michael P. / PhD
Sun, Hui / PhD
Sun, Jennifer K. / MD, MPH
Sung, Ching-Hwa / PhD
Sutter, David
Tabin, Geoffrey / MD
Tan, James Chee Hian / MD, PhD
Taylor, W. Rowland / PhD
Tehrani, Shandiz / MD, PhD
Telias, Michael / PhD
Thoreson, Wallace B / PhD
Todd, Levi / PhD
Toomey, Christopher B. / MD, PhD
Toth, Cynthia A. / MD
Tozer, Kevin
Travis, Gabriel H. / MD
Triplett, Jason / PhD
Tsang, Stephen / MD, PhD
Tseng, Victoria L. / MD, PhD
Tucker, Budd A / PhD
Udeh, Adanna
Ueno, Morio / MD, PhD
Ullian, Erik M / PhD
Vandenberghe, Luk H. / PhD
VanderBeek, Brian L. / MD, MPH, MSCE
Van Hook, Matthew / PhD
Vavvas, Demetrios G / MD, PhD
Vetter, Monica L / PhD
Vinberg, Frans / PhD
Vlasits, Anna Louise / PhD
Vo, Thomas
Vu, Khiem
Walsh, James / MD, PhD
Wang, Mengyu / PhD
Wang, Qinyun
Wang, Ruikang / PhD
Wang, Shusheng / PhD
Wang, Sophia / MD
Wax, Adam / PhD
Wei, Xiangyun / PhD
Weinstein, Jessica
Welsbie, Derek S. / MD, PhD
Wen, Rong / MD, PhD
Williams, David / PhD
Williams, Philip R. / PhD
Williams, Robert W / PhD
Wong, Kwoon Y. / PhD
Woods, Russell L. / PhD, BOptom
Woodward, Maria A. / MD, MS
Wozniak, Rachel / MD, PhD
Wubben, Thomas J. / MD, PhD
Xiong, Yingzi / PhD
Xu, Benjamin / MD, PhD
Xu, David (Duo)
Yang, Jun / PhD
Yang, Tingting / PhD
Yin, Jia / MD, PhD, MPH
Ying, Howard S / MD, PhD
Yoshimatsu, Takeshi / PhD
Yuan, Alex / MD, PhD
Zack, Donald J / MD, PhD
Zacks, David / MD, PhD
Zambidis, Elias T. / MD, PhD
Zebardast, Nazlee / MD, MSc
Zhang, Kang / MD, PhD
Zhang, Lyvia J.
Zhang, Wenlan (Wendy)
Zhang, Xin / PhD
Zhang, Yuhua / PhD
Zhou, Chao / PhD
Zode, Gulab / PhD
Zuniga-Sanchez, Elizabeth / PhD
Do not include descriptions in results.